Biblical TeachingsPodcast Episode

I Am Blessed and Highly Favored

PROMISE: If you make the Lord your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home. For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go [Psalm 91:9-11]

Read again the scripture above and truly look at what it says… IF we abide in the Lord, make Him our shelter, if you are a believer – no evil or sickness will come upon us, and nothing that the devil dishes out can touch us, angels will protect us wherever we go- AMEN!! Seriously girlfriends, if we just spoke this one scripture over ourselves every day, we would be blessed!!!! We are blessed!

Speaking of angels, I need to share a story with you. Most of you know that I live the mobile lifestyle in a van. As I was traveling from Colorado to the Great Lakes, to upstate NY, and then to Florida, I would pray for safety and protection over myself and my van. One time when I came back from a hike, I saw angels guarding my van. Angels in white robes and swords that were going back and forth so no one could even get close to the van. I stopped because at first, it took my breath away. While I was stopped, a man with a hoodie (by the way, I hate hoodies), attempted to go towards my van. He was abruptly interrupted; turned and looked around to see if anyone saw him. He must have sensed those angels, or he saw them himself because then he quickly ran away from my van and looked back in fear as he was running!! Thank you, Lord, that you order your angels to protect me wherever I go.

Sad to say most “Christians” settle for less than God’s best. We are not living in the blessings that God has promised which is tragic. (I’m preaching to myself too my friends). I am working on a book of the promises of God, because I need to be reminded of them also. So how many blessings or promises are in the bible? According to chat GPT: the Bible contains numerous promises and blessings throughout its text, making it difficult to provide an exact count. I love that from technology, there are so many promises that it’s hard to count!

If you study God’s word (the bible) you will learn that we have already been given EVERYTHING we need! God has already provided health, food, wealth, and every other blessing that we need to live a prosperous life. We need to believe and be open to receiving what God has already provided for us.

PROMISE: By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence. [2 Peter 1:3]

There is no way we can receive His promises without pursuing them. Blessings don’t happen accidentally or automatically. I’m a “Chrisitan”, now all blessings should come to me. Nope, sorry it doesn’t happen that way.

  • We have to purposefully have the desire for the things of God.
  • We need to seek the scriptures diligently to know the blessings and promises that God has spoken to us
  • Then we need to believe and take our authority to RECEIVE what God has already given to us. 

PROMISE: God’s promise of entering his rest still stands, so we ought to tremble with fear that some of you might fail to experience it.  For this good news—that God has prepared this rest—has been announced to us just as it was to them. But it did them no good because they didn’t share the faith of those who listened to God. For only we who believe can enter his rest. [Hebrews 4:1-2]

Let’s define what a blessing or God’s promise is, which in this particular post the two words are used interchangeably. Blessings are not physical things such as houses, clothing, cars, boats, etc., but they are a by-product of a promise. Physical things can come and go because we cannot control everything. Some things will affect us that are outside of our control. Events and circumstances can affect us and physical things deteriorate, can be stolen, or in some form lost.

A blessing is God’s divine favor spoken over us. This goes back to those promises that are in God’s word. The favor of God spoken over us gives us the ability to produce material things. We all have heard the story of the goose and the golden egg. For example, would you prefer to have a house (golden egg), or would you prefer to have the goose that produces the golden eggs? The real asset is the spoken favor and a supernatural flow of God’s blessings, which is the goose. A blessing or promise prevents crises, they are eternal, and they are abundant.

PROMISE OF BLESSINGS: And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires. [2 Peter 1:4]

When we are not seeing God’s blessings it’s because we are not believing for God’s best. Most people are living from one crisis to another instead of using their authority to walk in the blessing and favor. God wants to bless us; this also includes giving us the ability to heal or having no illness come to us.

Look at this story of John G Lake who was a missionary during the bubonic plague outbreak, with no vaccine. He had no fear of catching this disease, in fact, he said that no germ can touch my body and live!! Lake asked a doctor to experiment by taking the foam from the lungs of a dead plague victim and put it under a microscope. The doctor found masses of living germs, but when he spread the deadly foam on Lake’s hand, the germs died instantly.

God has given us the power to overcome all these things on the earth. It’s not magic, and you can’t hold the bible or a cross over something and hope that it will defer the devil – we have to SPEAK to the problem the Word of God. This is the supernatural power we have to curse anything that is of the enemy. We can speak life over ourselves and our body.

PROMISE: You must serve only the Lord your God. If you do, Iwill bless you with food and water, and I will protect you from illness. [Exodus 23:25]

There are natural laws when sowing a garden or a crop. You have to sow the seed, water it, put nutrients on it, and it takes time for the seed to grow. There is a right time to plant, and we are also aware that there are natural laws or outside forces that can affect the harvest. We understand the laws of sowing and reaping in regard to a crop or gardening.

However, “Christians” get disappointed when they pray for healing or something else and the harvest doesn’t come. It doesn’t come because we have not taken the Word of God as a sown seed. Take the Word and the promises of health and sow it into our lives – speak this over ourselves.

PROMISE: My child, pay attention to what I say. Listen carefully to my words. Don’t lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body. Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. [Proverbs 4:20-23]

Every word we speak is a covenant that will happen it will be bring either life or death. A blessing is when God speaks life to us and it has supernatural power. We live in a society where our words don’t mean much, so believers are not taking God’s word seriously. Many people don’t recognize or believe there is power in words.

Wise words satisfy like a good meal; the right words bring satisfaction. The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences. [Proverbs 18:20-21]

In the next post, I’m going to dig more into the power of the spoken word, because God’s word, our words, words we hear, and words people say to us bring life or death. We need to know how to use words that bring forth life and receive these promises!!!

We are blessed and highly favored. Learn to speak God’s promises over our lives daily. Take these scriptures below and put your name on them, believe them, speak them, claim them…

If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully keep all his commands that I am giving you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the world. You will experience all these blessings if you obey the Lord your God:

  • Your towns and your fields will be blessed.
  • Your children and your crops will be blessed.
  • The offspring of your herds and flocks will be blessed.
  • Your fruit baskets and breadboards will be blessed.
  • Wherever you go and whatever you do, you will be blessed.
  • he Lord will conquer your enemies when they attack you. They will attack you from one direction, but they will scatter from you in seven!
  • The Lord will guarantee a blessing on everything you do and will fill your storehouses with grain.
  • The Lord your God will bless you in the land he is giving you.

If you obey the commands of the Lord your God and walk in his ways, the Lord will establish you as his holy people as he swore he would do. Then all the nations of the world will see that you are a people claimed by the Lord, and they will stand in awe of you.

  • The Lord will give you prosperity in the land he swore to your ancestors to give you, blessing you with many children, numerous livestock, and abundant crops.
  • The Lord will send rain at the proper time from his rich treasury in the heavens and will bless all the work you do.
  • You will lend to many nations, but you will never need to borrow from them.
  • If you listen to these commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today, and if you carefully obey them, the Lord will make you the head and not the tail, and you will always be on top and never at the bottom.

You must not turn away from any of the commands I am giving you today, nor follow after other gods and worship them. Deuteronomy 28:1-14

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