
Do I Have to Be Perfect?

Thursday devotionals will be from Becoming A Vessel God Can use; with author Donna Partow

When you think about the kind of vessel that you are, do the words chipped, cracked, broken, or dirty come to mind? Yet God accomplishes extraordinary things through ordinary people who believe God can and will use them – imperfections and all.

Becoming A Vessel That God Can Use journey that offers hope, laughter, and transformation to women who long to discover new confidence and significance. —–Donna Partow author of Becoming a Vessel That God Can Use

Please note this typically is a ten-week study but since we are doing this only one day a week it will take a bit longer. But I think that will be good because there will be questions to ponder on that may take a bit more than a day.

So please take your time, think through these questions, listen to the recording, which is the content for the questions, and become that vessel God can use!!

Section 1 Understanding: Understanding How and Why God Uses Imperfect Vessels

Section 1 Focus Verse: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV)

Study 1 Do I have to Be Perfect?


  1. Do you have to be a perfect vessel for God to use you?
  2. How important of other people’s opinions of your qualifications?
  3. In what ways has God already used you to make a difference in other people’s lives? List those people who come to mind by name and thank God for the privilege of being a vessel used by him.
  4. Write out a prayer of commitment to the Lord, stating your intentions of working through this study to gain a fuller understanding to what it means to be a vessel He can use.
  5. Take this week’s scripture put it in your phone, write it on a card, or put it somewhere you can memorize or read it often. This scripture will be the same for five weeks, so we should have it memorized by then!
  6. Since you are not working through this study as a small group, find a friend that you can do this with for accountability, prayer and encouragement.  
  7. What key lesson did you learn from today’s study?  


To recap:

  • You do NOT have to be perfect to become a vessel that God can use!
  • The amount of spiritual growth that you enjoy as a result of this study will be a direct result of the time, prayer, and effort that you invest.


DAILY DEVOTIONALS are biblical based mini studies to encourage you, help you grow on your journey, and to inspire you to share with others!

  • Sunday: Video teaching with a variety of teachers, bishops, and pastors.
  • Monday: Hearing from God Each Morning (365 Daily Devotional) Joyce Meyer
  • Tuesday: Study of a book in the bible along with scripture readings (II Corinthians)
  • Wednesday: Jesus Calling; Enjoying Peace in His Presence (365 Daily Devotional) Sarah Young
  • Thursday: Becoming A Vessel God Can use; Ten Week Journey, Donna Partow
  • Friday: Our Daily Bread; that tiny little monthly booklet that reaches people around the world with the life-changing wisdom of the bible
  • Saturday: Created For Excellence; 12 Keys to Godly Success, Kevin Baerg
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