
Excellence – Do You Really Want It?

Saturday devotionals is with one of my favorite books: Created For Excellence; 12 Keys to Godly Success, Kevin Baerg.


Excellence… is it what you really want? Take a moment to think about it. Do you strongly desire to reach your full potential in Christ? If in your heart there is a resounding, “YES” then I firmly believe this book will help you in your quest. – Kevin Berg

Keep this Book of the Law (the bible) always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Joshua 1:8 (NIV).


I agree with Kevin (as you listen to the recording), that the bible is the greatest success book; that is why I am taking time each day to do these daily devotionals! My goal is that each of us build and conduct our businesses based on biblical principles.

Now eagerly desire the greater gifts. And yet I will show you the most excellent way. 1 Corinthians 12:31 (NIV)


Unhappiness is in NOT knowing what we want and killing ourselves to get it – Don Herold.

No one keeps up their enthusiasm automatically. Enthusiasm must be nourished with new actions, new aspirations, new efforts, new vision. Its ones own fault if your enthusiasm is gone; you have failed to feed it. – anonymous

WRAP UP: Today was basically the introduction with some powerful scriptures, a few quotes, and the purpose of this journey. Next week get ready to dive right into the good stuff. I hope you join us each Saturday for some powerful gemstones!


DAILY DEVOTIONALS are biblical based mini studies to encourage you, help you grow on your journey, and to inspire you to share with others!

  • Sunday: Video teachings with a variety of teachers, bishops, and pastors.
  • Monday: Hearing from God Each Morning (365 Daily Devotional) Joyce Meyer
  • Tuesday: Study of a book in the bible along with scripture readings (II Corinthians)
  • Wednesday: Jesus Calling; Enjoying Peace in His Presence (365 Daily Devotional) Sarah Young
  • Thursday: Becoming A Vessel God Can use; Ten Week Journey, Donna Partow
  • Friday: Our Daily Bread; that tiny little monthly booklet that reaches people around the world with the life-changing wisdom of the bible
  • Saturday: Created For Excellence; 12 Keys to Godly Success, Kevin Baerg
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