Introduction: 16 Foundational Bible Doctrines
When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future. [John 16:13]
Let’s Start 2024 With A Firm Foundation!
The importance of sound doctrine cannot be overstated, and I will share some reasons below. The devil has infiltrated the thoughts of believers, churches, pastors, and teachers, rendering the Word ineffective for some. There is a watering down of the Word to where it no longer has power. Sound doctrine serves as the unwavering solid foundation, to which we base everything else on. I am investing time in this series because it holds great significance for our life’s. It could be the determining factor between life or death, depending on the doctrines we hold onto.
Throughout the remaining weeks of December 2023, we will discover the 16 Foundational (Fundamental) Bible Doctrines. Rather me posting every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday – for this series I will be posting a message and creating a podcast daily. What I found is there is so much rich content for each doctrine that it would be easier for readers or listeners to digest one message dedicated to each principle.
This teaching comes from inspiration from Johnathan Shuttlesworth and the book “Bible Doctrines” authored by Nelson, P.C.
Jonathan mentioned something a little unsettling, but yet profound. Pastor Rodney Howard Brown and his wife have been in ministry for well over forty years. They shared with Jonathan that over their years of ministry, they observed that all sins that people get into can be recovered, EXCEPT for those who stray into bad doctrine. Meaning that most people don’t come back from bad doctrine, because it is very hard to turn back. Bad doctrine corrupts. To me bad doctrine is dangerous and scary.
Don’t be fooled by those who say such things, for bad company corrupts good character. [1 Corinthians 15:33]
I’m going to say things while presenting these doctrines that most likely will ruffle some feathers. But I will not apologize because there is ONLY ONE TRUTH. Sorry girlfriends, there is no such thing as your truth. This is a popular saying in our culture that is another foolish thing from the enemy.
Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth. [John 17:17]
Listen, if the enemy can get you into bad doctrine, you are toast. Meaning, that if you don’t have a solid doctrinal foundation, you will easily be confused and deceived, and eventually spiral out of control, to that scary no-return point.
For I am giving you good guidance. Don’t turn away from my instructions. [Proverbs 4:2]
Sound Doctrine Is the Solid Foundation.
Because bad doctrine corrupts, sound doctrine is what we all want to obtain and keep. Please also note there is a proper way to interpret scriptures, scriptures interpret themselves.
One of the things that happens more often than it should, is someone will build an entire doctrine on one verse. This is a dangerous and slippery road that we must avoid at all costs. Some examples taking one scripture and distorting the truth is the book of Enoch, the Mormons, and cults that have been formed.
If we get into weird doctrine, it will mess our lives up. Be mindful, have discernment, and don’t become involved with a ministry or church that will wreck your life.
Hold on to the pattern of wholesome teaching you learned from me—a pattern shaped by the faith and love that you have in Christ Jesus. Through the power of the Holy Spirit who lives within us, carefully guard the precious truth that has been entrusted to you. [2 Timothy 1:13-14]
Each message will contain benefits of sound doctrine, scriptures to back that doctrine, and also may include some of our responsibilities. Please take the time with each of these messages to meditate on the Word, do some more of your own research, and allow these doctrines to become part of your everyday life. These doctrines will be life giving and the foundational fundamental doctrines to build your entire life on.