DevotionalsPodcast EpisodeYou Are Who God Says You Are

Introduction to You Are Who God Says You Are

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. [Romans 12:2]

Romans 12:2 is a scripture that most believers know, but do they know how to put it into action? Transforming our minds and the way we think is the entire purpose of this book.

Well, as some people would say, it’s about time. I finished this book during COVID and have been sitting on it since then. Therefore, this finally became one of my main goals and priorities for 2024, to start teaching from the book and get it published.  (the podcast provides more details)!! 😊


Hello girlfriends! Whenever you are reading this book, I hope you are in a hammock by a waterfall or by a babbling creek or in your favorite comfy chair by the fireplace with a hot cup of tea (my favorite place to enjoy books!). Either way, I’m so glad you are here with a teachable heart and willing to take this journey with me. We are going to take a little virtual hike together and unpack the most important WORDS and concepts I have ever heard. “YOU ARE WHO GOD SAYS YOU ARE.”

I pray that after reading this book these words will resonate with you too. Hopefully, this book will become a daily companion and not just another book collecting dust on your shelf. Please keep it in your purse or backpack and use it consistently (see how to get the most out of this book). Use this book alongside your bible to fight ANY non-stellar thoughts that try to sneak in to wreak havoc in your life. As you will see shortly, we are in a war, so get ready and stay ready! Check the Word of God against what I say, to be sure that you hear exactly what God wants you to hear. Because He, alone is the final Authority.


  • That you understand the REAL truth about YOU.
  • You learn to think like God thinks, Stellar Thinking!!
  • Once you take hold of this truth, you will live as a daughter of God Almighty!
  • Inspire you to eliminate any stinking thinking that is keeping you from becoming all that God has created you to be.
  • Him-Power you to believe that YOU ARE WHO GOD SAYS YOU ARE.

I first heard these powerful words when I was blessed to be part of Word of Life Christian Center in Lone Tree, Colorado. Every Sunday, Pastor Bagwell would repeat these words, YOU ARE WHO GOD SAYS YOU ARE. I would meditate and think on them throughout the week. Thinking, what does this really mean? These words always spoke to my heart, but I had no idea these very words would be the WORDS that not only would save my life but also become part of my life vision and purpose.


This is an interactive yearlong study to inspire you to develop the habit of being good to YOU. To think good things about you, to say positive things about you, to speak Godly truths about you, and inspire you to have Stellar Thinking and to truly believe YOU ARE WHO GOD SAYS YOU ARE.

Stellar Thinking is a term that I have come up that exemplifies learning to think like God thinks. To model His thoughts and words so that we become more like Jesus every day. It includes reading and meditating on His word to the point that it permeates every cell of our mind and body. Stellar Thinking is knowing without a doubt that YOU ARE WHO GOD SAYS YOU ARE.

SHOPPING CART METHOD: This book is like a grocery store; it is packed full of many nuggets, scriptural references, precious gems, and life-altering takeaways. So, you don’t become overwhelmed, I suggest that you use the shopping cart method. When you go grocery shopping, you don’t buy the entire store; you only put in your cart what you need at the time. Do the same with this book; take what is relevant for the current season of your life and return to this book when you need more food and inspiration; daily, weekly, monthly, and year after year.

52 WEEKS OF GEMSTONES AND NUGGETS! To have Stellar Thinking and believe that we are Who God Says We Are, is a lifelong journey. So please give yourself grace and have patience because this is not an easy thing to do. To utilize this book for maximum effectiveness and as a daily companion below are a few suggestions.

WRITE IN THIS BOOK OR OBTAIN A JOURNAL: Writing is a powerful way to express your feelings and thoughts, between only you and God.

  • Write down your thoughts, gemstones, coaching questions, and responses to questions for each week.
  • Depending on your preference, you can use the space provided within the book, or you can obtain a separate journal to use with this book.
  • This journal can be an online program, a word doc, an app on your phone, a beautiful spiral-bound book, or a delicate lace one. It doesn’t matter just find a way that works for you to write your thoughts down.
  • Journaling and your bible will be your two best companions with this book.

READ ONE CHAPTER EACH WEEK: This book has 52 chapters, one for each week, allowing you to study throughout the entire year.

I have included a mix of my stories, statistics, and concepts that will inspire you to Stellar Thinking and help you to discover Who God Says You Are.

  • Please note my experiences are not necessarily in chronological order. They are simply illustrations from the heart to make a point for that particular week and topic. So, for those of you who need things in order, I sincerely apologize for any confusion this may cause!
  • There are three coaching questions each week for you to pray and think on.
  • I love quotes, so there is a quote for each week.
  • There are weekly takeaway gems which are nuggets that highlight each week. Hopefully, you find even more meaningful insights than what is written!
  • There is also a daily action step!
  • Then as outlined below many scriptures.

STUDY THE SCRIPTURES: Each week there are seven scriptures provided that are relevant to that week’s topic. So, in total there are 365 different scriptures throughout this book, one Scripture for every single day of the year!

  • Please note there is a main Scripture at the top of each week and then there are six Scriptures listed in the lower section for that week.
  • Scriptures are provided so you can: Research it in depth. See how it may match up and help you through anything going on in your life. Compare various translations, think on these scriptures until they resonate and have meaning for you personally. Continue to MEDITATE and THINK on one scripture throughout the day!
  • Read the verses before and after to understand the entire meaning of that specific Scripture. This is how you grasp the entire concept and not just a piece of the message.
  • One resource that I recommend is Bible Gateway. This is an excellent resource for looking up scriptures and viewing them in many different versions.
  • The bible translation that I have used throughout this book is the New Living Translation (NLT), unless otherwise specified.

DO THE ACTION STEPS: In order to have transformation you have to take action; so therefor there are action steps to do each week.

  • Please note some of these steps will take the entire year and some will take five minutes.
  • Work at your own pace and work on the ones you feel are needed most for the season you are in.
  • These steps are to give you a specific action to enhance your Stellar Thinking and help you believe YOU ARE GOD SAYS YOU ARE
  • RETURN and repeat year after year!


My dad always said we are blessed if we have one or two people that no matter what we go through will stick by our side. Well, if that is the case then I am truly blessed beyond measure. People that I will forever be grateful for. Special people that helped me through my biscuit flying years when everyone else had disappeared. Those times of hardship that seemed unbearable, from which this book developed.

A special thanks go out to the following:

  • Mom and many others, for your constant prayers and belief in me.
  • Judy Hassel, thank you for being that rock-solid friend that no matter what happened you were never shaken. You were consistent in love, patience, kindness and giving. Always even to this day a friend I can depend on when needed. Love you my friend.
  • Judy Pankow, you are precious gem my friend. You opened your home to me when I was headed to a women’s shelter, loved on me when I couldn’t love back, prayed for me when prayers seemed void, and simply were (and are) a God loving friend that I dearly appreciate. Thank you for your love and support.
  • Colleen Atkins, where do I even begin with my gratitude for you. You my friend were the only one who listened without any judgment, blame, or questioning. The only one that I allowed close enough to walk this journey with me. You know of the pain, suffering, persistence and heartaches that were endured. Thank you for being my rock steady, angelic, prayer partner and friend. It’s beyond my understanding how you could have been so loving, caring, and encouraging, and still even today continue to be that friend. There are no words that can show my appreciation for your friendship and love.

Below is one of those encouraging messages from my dear friend Colleen after reading one chapter of this book:

Cathy, I listened to your chapter as you read it (Love that option to actually hear you read it!) and I am so struck by the absolute wisdom of your words. Could you have possibly give any more sound counsel? These are absolute truth and perfectly practical. Totally a FEAR ANTIDOTE and words of life in the midst of this time. 

The scripture you gave is absolutely perfect and timely. Love that you have a daily corresponding action: speaking the word out loud and making a personal affirmation, and then taking an action step. Cathy, I didn’t know exactly what to expect but this is better than anything I expected. It is just wonderful. I am so proud of you and want to see this book go out to as many women as possible. I feel God’s favor and blessing on it Cathy, which reaffirms that this is HIS idea. You have been obedient to do what He is calling you to do now and stay away from the projects that He is “not” in, which means that you are in His perfect will.

You are such an overcomer Cathy. I have seen you walk through so much disappointment, discouragement, setbacks and seeming delays, but you have never given up. You have never lost your faith in the One who holds you life in HIs hands. You have been steadfast and not let go. You have persevered. And you will receive from Him one day the overcomer’s crown.

 See you next week for Chapter 1 WITH A SINGLE SNAP, BISCUITS CAN START FLYING


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