Biblical TeachingsPodcast EpisodeYou Are Who God Says You Are

God Always Provides

The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need [Psalm 23:1]

QUOTE: When you trust God as a provider, you will never cease to see wonders in your life (Gift Gugu Mona).

At this time, I would like to personally thank you for taking your time to read this book. I truly hope you have enjoyed doing the studies and it has brought some fresh insight and awareness to how AWESOME in Christ you really are.

My hope is that you will continue to use this book, so it does not collect dust! I also hope that you now understand how important what you think and say about yourself truly is, and you will THINK before you say things about yourself that are NOT true.

My biggest goal with this book is that it has in some way brought you closer to the Lord, that you understand He does desire a personal relationship with you, and that you are WORTHY of that relationship.

Writing this book has been a joy and something very personal and a special and powerful time with the Lord. I never anticipated it would take almost a year because I planned on it being completed in three months. But once again, I was reminded to allow myself to be led by the Holy Spirit leading and not my desires. God always knows best, and you would think I would have that down by now. Anyhoo, I am so glad that I did listen because, as we come to finishing this book, I have one more God event to share with you. This, to me, is so amazing that I am still pinching myself and wondering if I am in a dream.

Part of the vision that the Lord gave me (years ago) was to have a physical place where I could bring women together for small, intimate, life-changing retreats. It would be a place of peace, solitude, relaxation, a place where a woman would feel safe and could let her guard down, be herself, take time to heal, grow, learn, or do whatever she needed while at this place. I had always had a vision of a sacred and beautiful place where she could spend quiet time with the Lord, think, pray, walk, scream, cry, and simply take time to hear from God. I thought it was going to be on the beach in Belize, then I thought it was going to be on a river, or near a waterfall in Colorado. To be honest, I thought it was going to be another ten to fifteen years before I would see this become a reality because it was such a big dream.

Well, like always, God is full of surprises, and has plans better than we can imagine! As I am finishing up the final chapters of this book, I am sitting on five acres in a beautiful aspen grove, where prayer paths, water features, and solitude areas can be created. A home over two thousand square feet with the ability to host at least four to five women or more. It is also a mini-wildlife sanctuary where there are moose, bear, deer, rabbits, horses, chipmunks, several kinds of birds, and other wildlife in abundance. It is an absolutely peaceful place, where you feel like just sitting and listening to the Lord.

Yes, I am like a little child every morning. I get up and look out all the windows, just in awe of the beauty, looking for critters that are visiting, and my heart full of gratitude. My friends, this is a home that I now own, that long-awaited retreat, is now a reality! The entire process of obtaining this home was 100% God-directed and God-ordained down to every single little detail, from how I even looked in this area, to meeting the previous owners, my neighbors, the items left in the home, the layout of the home, the usable land, obtaining the loan, and the entire process, from seeing this home to finally closing three days after the projected closing date was all God-directed.

This was yet another process of faith, with bumps, detours, and multiple changes. Up until I finally signed the documents, there was uncertainty and challenges. However, I knew God had His hand on this, I believed He was the one that chose this home, and this was where He wanted me to go and nothing was going to stop it. Sorry devil, you were not given one chance to bring me fear, stress, anxiety, because through all of this I was in total peace the entre time, knowing that when God guides, He will provide!

Can you believe it, from homelessness, brokenness, and bankruptcy to a beautiful little sanctuary that I can’t wait to share with you!

GOD PROVIDES: Just a friendly reminder, that I did have several years of hard work, working two to three jobs or having multiple businesses to get back on my feet. God didn’t just say poof, here is your home. I had to walk the path that HE wanted me to walk and learn to trust him in ways that I had never done before.

I have shared my heart to show you that no matter what season of life we are in, God WILL PROVIDE, and the relationship with Jesus is real, that there is power of trusting in Him and allowing Him to direct and guide our steps. It is one final reminder of how much peace and freedom there is to LET GO of believe that GOD WILL PROVIDE.

Say to yourself out loud

FRIENDLY REMINDER: Take out your journal and write down your thoughts, takeaways, and progress for this week!


  • Remember how AWESOME you are! You Are Who God Says You Are!
  • Remember the importance of what you think and say about yourself.
  • THINK before you say things about yourself that are NOT true.
  • God’s entire desire is a personal relationship with you.
  • You are WORTHY of the most important relationship in your life, which is with Jesus.
  • Learn to be led by the Holy Spirit.
  • God is full of blessings, promises, and better plans then we can ever imagine or think!
  • Wherever God guides He will provide
  • Do not give the devil a chance to steal one thing that God has promised you.


  1. What was something that you knew was ordained from God that the devil kept on trying to prevent from happening?
  2. What are your thoughts, does God provide? Can you trust totally on God for your daily provisions?
  3. What are things you can say to yourself to prevent the devil from getting a foothold into your thoughts about God’s provisions.

ACTION STEP: Click here to Join our Stand Firm On God’s Word community

VISION: To build a powerhouse community of Godly women willing to Stand Firm on God’s word until Jesus returns!!! Women who have committed their lives to the Lord by being a living sacrifice. Women who will be God’s warriors and fight against evil regardless of the consequences. Together as a collaborative movement, lives will be transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.


DAY 1: Look at the ravens. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for God feeds them. And you are far more valuable to him than any birds [Luke 12:24] 

DAY 2: You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it [Matthew 21:22] 

DAY 3: Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. [Matthew 7:7] 

DAY 4: For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things. [Psalm 107:9] 

DAY 5: The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need [Psalm 23:1]

DAY 6: The Lord is my light and my salvation so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble? [Psalm 27:1] 

DAY 7: For the Lord God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right. [Psalm 84:11] 

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